
Participating in SEP provides Indian students with the chance to spend a week in an American school, engage in diverse cultural experiences, and develop transferable skills essential for their lifelong journey. The program offers three options: a one-day, two-day, and five-day, each including Red Cross training with hands-on CPR and first aid experience, along with counseling sessions. Expert guidance is available to assist students in charting their future path effectively.

One-day SEP

The one-day student enrichment program offers a condensed preview of our Weekend SEP. Participants will engage in interactive seminars introducing MAA IPG & TLUPS, emphasizing the use of math and science competitions for innovative problem-solving at the TLUPS Trivandrum campus. The one-day SEP includes workshops, an overview of different math competitions, practice sessions, and a Red Cross program for hands-on CPR and first aid training.

Two-day SEP

The two-day SEP is an expanded iteration of the one-day SEP. On day 1, students participate in seminars, problem-solving, and skill-stimulating activities at the TLUPS Trivandrum campus. On the second day, they journey to Ponmudi for immersive hands-on training and activities.

Five-day SEP

It represents an extended iteration of the two-day SEP, now spanning five days across the week. Participants will engage in comprehensive problem introduction and solving sessions, seminars, and each day will unfold in a different location. Moreover, the program explores global educational opportunities, fosters leadership attributes, sparks intellectual curiosity, and provides essential skill development for participants.

Munnar Math Olympiad Training Camp